quote: "Come quietly or there will be... trouble."
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New toys
Papa Bastard

avatar Darkman

Registered: 29 Jun 2001
Location: Somewhere else
Posts: 1640
8 Aug 2005

zo groot issie niet...om daar dan de hele avond voor uit te trekken :P

ziet er wel geinig uit smilie
"http("http://www.eaves.nl") . "\" target=\"_blank\">The Eaves"

If dysfunction is a function, then I must be some kind of Genius J.S. Claydon-Pitchshifter
Trend setting Bastard

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Registered: 12 Jan 2005
Location: Eindhoven
Posts: 160
9 Aug 2005

Het is misschien niet wat je noemt een new toy, maar toch leuk. Ik heb een houten blade server gemaakt!

"http("http://spaces.msn.com/members/AngieTU/Blog/cns!1pRLnR_feam4uVTxvcl5LQeA!158.entry") . "\" target=\"_blank\">http://spaces.msn.com/members/AngieTU/Blog/cns!1pRLnR_feam4uVTxvcl5LQeA!158.entry"
"It is an ancient mariner
And he stoppeth one of three"
Australian Bastard

avatar Diamond79

Registered: 28 Jul 2002
Location: Sydney,
Posts: 318
14 Aug 2005

"http($this->addslashes("http://www.livingroom.org.au/cameraphone/sony-ericsson-K750i-3.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"

* 2 megapixel camera
* Auto focus
* Photo Light
* Video Recorder
* Music Player


Shoot, store and share – power imaging
Open the K750i digital camera lens cover and you’re ready to capture that special moment. Your K750i mobile phone is a digital camera with excellent picture quality. And when you want to catch some action, this phone takes video too. The K750i camera controls are very similar to those of popular digital cameras. The K750i comes with easy-to-use image editing PC software. Create multiple photo albums, add effects, send e-mail with impressive images to anywhere in the world.

The K750i also has a fully featured digital music player - your music in your mobile.

*Memory capacity may vary dependant on network provider and content stored/downloaded onto the phone. Some phone functions are subject to specific memory allocation.


* 176x220 pixel
* Color LCD 262K


* Polyphonic Sound 40 voices


* 34MB memory


* GSM 900
* GSM 1900
* GSM 1800

Available colours

* Oxidized Black
* Blasted Silver


* 100 x 46 x 20.5 mm
* 3.9 x 1.8 x .8 inches

I'm going to live forever, or die trying.
Gorgeous George
Opmerk Bastard

Registered: 13 Jul 2001
Location: BehindMy21
Posts: 4748
14 Aug 2005

nu nog tomtom go erop en je hebt geen pda meer nodig
3D Bastard

avatar Caman

Registered: 11 Apr 2001
Location: up yours
Posts: 4721
15 Aug 2005

zit er een staafmixer in?
Take my hand and lead me to myself...
"http($this->addslashes("http://www.caman.nl/zooi/sig.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
Gorgeous George
Opmerk Bastard

Registered: 13 Jul 2001
Location: BehindMy21
Posts: 4748
16 Aug 2005

"http($this->addslashes("http://images.ldlc.com/photosldlc/00/00/41/65/LD0000416556_2.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
besteld een samsung 913N
19" LCDmet 8 ms responsetime
Kroquet Bastard

avatar bLAM

Registered: 27 Aug 2001
Location: anywhere
Posts: 1669
24 Aug 2005

"http($this->addslashes("http://www.renault.nl/images/teintier/cl23/color2/vngcfg1cl23ted69.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"

This post was edited by Fox at 24 Aug 2005

"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what's right - Isaac Asimov"
Kroquet Bastard

avatar bLAM

Registered: 27 Aug 2001
Location: anywhere
Posts: 1669
24 Aug 2005

"http($this->addslashes("http://www.openskygps.com/images/GPS%20Images/navman%20510big1.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what's right - Isaac Asimov"
3D Bastard

avatar Caman

Registered: 11 Apr 2001
Location: up yours
Posts: 4721
25 Aug 2005

de toys worden groter.. smilie

nice car mate
Take my hand and lead me to myself...
"http($this->addslashes("http://www.caman.nl/zooi/sig.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
Gorgeous George
Opmerk Bastard

Registered: 13 Jul 2001
Location: BehindMy21
Posts: 4748
25 Aug 2005

jammer alleen dat het een renault is
Trend setting Bastard

avatar sijpt

Registered: 12 Jan 2005
Location: Eindhoven
Posts: 160
26 Aug 2005

Dat zijn vrij serieuze toys... Daar kunnen mijn powertools niet tegenop.
"It is an ancient mariner
And he stoppeth one of three"
Papa Bastard

avatar Darkman

Registered: 29 Jun 2001
Location: Somewhere else
Posts: 1640
29 Aug 2005

dat betekend dus ook dattie z'n rijbewijs heeft gehaald, dat meen ik nog niet te weten....

Grazziez monsieur bastard. Issie ook al binnen? of moete 't nog doen met de voorloop auto?
"http("http://www.eaves.nl") . "\" target=\"_blank\">The Eaves"

If dysfunction is a function, then I must be some kind of Genius J.S. Claydon-Pitchshifter
Kroquet Bastard

avatar bLAM

Registered: 27 Aug 2001
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Posts: 1669
29 Aug 2005

ik heb hem al sinds half juli ofzo, rijbewijs al voor australie gehaald, maar das nie echt een toy smilie als voorloop auto heb ik vanaf 1 juni een vw polo gehad.
"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what's right - Isaac Asimov"
BMW Bastard

avatar Rainman

Registered: 11 Apr 2001
Location: Everywhere
Posts: 5391
1 Sep 2005


"http($this->addslashes("http://www.samsung.com/nl/products/monitor/lcdmonitors/images/710t_m.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"

"http("http://www.apacer.com/en/products/Embedded_Card_Reader_ER151.htm") . "\" target=\"_blank\">Apacer Embedded Card Reader ER151 (black)"

"http($this->addslashes("http://www.apacer.com/en/products/images/prod_500_usb5_l.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"

"http("http://corsairmemory.com/corsair/flash_memory.html#sd") . "\" target=\"_blank\">Corsair Secure Digital Card 1024MB (133x)"

"http($this->addslashes("http://www.komplett.nl/mlf/produkt/bilder/cds/I356506.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"

The only reason that you're conscious right now is because I don't want to carry you. - Jack Bauer
"http($this->addslashes("")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
3D Bastard

avatar Caman

Registered: 11 Apr 2001
Location: up yours
Posts: 4721
1 Sep 2005

hij heeft weer een paar manieren gevonden om zijngeld op te krijgen hoor smilie
Take my hand and lead me to myself...
"http($this->addslashes("http://www.caman.nl/zooi/sig.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
The Guzzler

avatar Fox

Registered: 10 Apr 2001
Location: North-Brabant
Posts: 9402
1 Sep 2005

Waarom NOG een monitor?

Heb je nu al 3 TFT's?
Refuse to do what you don't want to do.
"http("http://www.bastarddomain.com/dev/ico/quote.php") . "\" target=\"_blank\">"http($this->addslashes("http://www.bastarddomain.com/dev/ico/signature.php?show")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />""
BMW Bastard

avatar Rainman

Registered: 11 Apr 2001
Location: Everywhere
Posts: 5391
1 Sep 2005

    Quote originally posted by Caman @ 2005-09-01 13:10:00
    hij heeft weer een paar manieren gevonden om zijngeld op te krijgen hoor smilie

Ik moest wat spullen bestellen voor mijn zus d'r pc en kon het niet laten om ook wat voor mezelf te nemem smilie

    Quote originally posted by Fox @ 2005-09-01 13:37:51
    Waarom NOG een monitor?

    Heb je nu al 3 TFT's?

Nee ik heb er nu 2 in dual monitor opstelling. Ben alleen wat laat met posten. Maareh nu je het zegt.. drie is natuurlijk nog gaver smilie
The only reason that you're conscious right now is because I don't want to carry you. - Jack Bauer
"http($this->addslashes("")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
The Guzzler

avatar Fox

Registered: 10 Apr 2001
Location: North-Brabant
Posts: 9402
1 Sep 2005

En dan een Matrox Parhelia PCI erbij smilie

Refuse to do what you don't want to do.
"http("http://www.bastarddomain.com/dev/ico/quote.php") . "\" target=\"_blank\">"http($this->addslashes("http://www.bastarddomain.com/dev/ico/signature.php?show")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />""

avatar -W-

Registered: 26 Apr 2005
Location: Eindhoven
Posts: 1111
1 Sep 2005

Het heelal is vol magische dingen die geduldig wachten tot ons verstand er scherp genoeg voor is. - Eden Phillpotts (1934)

"http($this->addslashes("http://www.remotesecurityservices.nl/stuff/bushmeister.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
African Bastard

avatar Gogga

Registered: 18 Oct 2002
Location: Sunny South Africa
Posts: 376
7 Sep 2005

Een lijst van mijn nieuwe speeltjes:

Sony DRU800 DVD burner:
"http($this->addslashes("http://pubsys.atcomp.cz/imgs/DRU800Apackaging.JPG")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"

Antec Smartpower II 450W PSU:
"http($this->addslashes("http://www.antec.com/images/400/package/SPII_450jpg.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"

Sony Ericsson P900:
"http($this->addslashes("http://mobiloguide.mobilostore.com/img/p900.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
- You can't kill what you cannot catch -
BMW Bastard

avatar Rainman

Registered: 11 Apr 2001
Location: Everywhere
Posts: 5391
7 Sep 2005

Nice toys

The only reason that you're conscious right now is because I don't want to carry you. - Jack Bauer
"http($this->addslashes("")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"

avatar -W-

Registered: 26 Apr 2005
Location: Eindhoven
Posts: 1111
7 Sep 2005

sweet smilie
Het heelal is vol magische dingen die geduldig wachten tot ons verstand er scherp genoeg voor is. - Eden Phillpotts (1934)

"http($this->addslashes("http://www.remotesecurityservices.nl/stuff/bushmeister.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
Gorgeous George
Opmerk Bastard

Registered: 13 Jul 2001
Location: BehindMy21
Posts: 4748
7 Sep 2005

en wuppie ook gewoon niet zijn frituur posten he
Kroquet Bastard

avatar bLAM

Registered: 27 Aug 2001
Location: anywhere
Posts: 1669
9 Sep 2005

yamada 6600 divx speler:
"http($this->addslashes("http://img.eri.lv/eri/images/yamada6600/in_pictures/pict1214n.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"

This post was edited by bLAM at 9 Sep 2005

"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what's right - Isaac Asimov"
Trend setting Bastard

avatar sijpt

Registered: 12 Jan 2005
Location: Eindhoven
Posts: 160
9 Sep 2005

Had je'm niet even uit kunnen pakken, zodat we hem kunnen zien?
"It is an ancient mariner
And he stoppeth one of three"
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