fact: "You're nothing untill you realize what you are."
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BMW Bastard

avatar Rainman

Registered: 11 Apr 2001
Location: Everywhere
Posts: 5391
14 Jul 2009

Omdat mijn laptop nog geen SATA interface heeft. En deze "http("http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=264209") . "\" target=\"_blank\">Samsung is sneller en zuiniger" dan de meeste 7200 rpm 2.5 inch PATA schijven die er nog te krijgen zijn.

Voor SSD schijven met een PATA aansluiting is er nog minder keus. Het beste wat er te krijgen is een 64 GB voor 500 euro. En die presteert waarschijnlijk niet veel beter omdat het nog een oude generatie SSD is.

The only reason that you're conscious right now is because I don't want to carry you. - Jack Bauer
"http($this->addslashes("")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
Chub Chup
Trend setting Bastard

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Registered: 10 Dec 2008
Location: Amersfurt
Posts: 123
21 Jul 2009

Voor op vakantie:

"http($this->addslashes("http://www.xinco.nl/Shuffle.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"

Audioformaten: AAC, Protected AAC, MP3, MP3 VBR, Audible (2, 3, 4), Apple Lossless, WAV, AIFF
Opslagcapaciteit: 4 GB
Levensduur batterij: 10 uur
Afmetingen (b x h x d): 45 x 18 x 8 mm
Gewicht: 11 gram

This post was edited by Chub Chup at 21 Jul 2009

"http($this->addslashes("http://www.xinco.nl/DSCF0803xs.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"Z3 in the house

avatar -W-

Registered: 26 Apr 2005
Location: Eindhoven
Posts: 1111
21 Jul 2009

zeg maar de nieuwe I-pod shuffle?
Het heelal is vol magische dingen die geduldig wachten tot ons verstand er scherp genoeg voor is. - Eden Phillpotts (1934)

"http($this->addslashes("http://www.remotesecurityservices.nl/stuff/bushmeister.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
Chub Chup
Trend setting Bastard

avatar Chub Chup

Registered: 10 Dec 2008
Location: Amersfurt
Posts: 123
21 Jul 2009

    Quote originally posted by -W- @ 2009-07-21 15:59:47
    zeg maar de nieuwe I-pod shuffle?

Ja :P
Was het enige wat ik er dus nog niet had bijgezet smilie
"http($this->addslashes("http://www.xinco.nl/DSCF0803xs.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"Z3 in the house
BMW Bastard

avatar Rainman

Registered: 11 Apr 2001
Location: Everywhere
Posts: 5391
5 Aug 2009

MacBook Pro 13,3 inch 2.53 GHz 4GB RAM 250GB HD

"http($this->addslashes("http://www.apple.com/macbookpro/images/specs_open_13_large20090608.png")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
The only reason that you're conscious right now is because I don't want to carry you. - Jack Bauer
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The Guzzler

avatar Fox

Registered: 10 Apr 2001
Location: North-Brabant
Posts: 9402
5 Aug 2009

Refuse to do what you don't want to do.
"http("http://www.bastarddomain.com/dev/ico/quote.php") . "\" target=\"_blank\">"http($this->addslashes("http://www.bastarddomain.com/dev/ico/signature.php?show")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />""
Gorgeous George
Opmerk Bastard

Registered: 13 Jul 2001
Location: BehindMy21
Posts: 4748
5 Aug 2009

eh.. mooi, maar waarom? als vervanger voor je werklaptop?
BMW Bastard

avatar Rainman

Registered: 11 Apr 2001
Location: Everywhere
Posts: 5391
6 Aug 2009

Ja, als vervanger voor mijn werklaptop. Bovendien draaide die (ondanks mijn upgrades) Traktor Pro niet helemaal lekker. Die heb ik trouwens ook maar meteen gekocht.

Traktor Pro:
"http($this->addslashes("http://co.native-instruments.com/uploads/pics/tpro_pack.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
The only reason that you're conscious right now is because I don't want to carry you. - Jack Bauer
"http($this->addslashes("")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
Gorgeous George
Opmerk Bastard

Registered: 13 Jul 2001
Location: BehindMy21
Posts: 4748
6 Aug 2009

nice! ga je daar dan xp op draaien of gewoon macos?
BMW Bastard

avatar Rainman

Registered: 11 Apr 2001
Location: Everywhere
Posts: 5391
6 Aug 2009

Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) en in september waarschijnlijk 10.6 Snow Leopard. Mocht ik ergens Windows voor nodig hebben dan ga ik Bootcamp of een VM gebruiken.
The only reason that you're conscious right now is because I don't want to carry you. - Jack Bauer
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Bad-hairday Bastard

avatar fraXTC

Registered: 28 Jun 2001
Location: Under_your_skin
Posts: 2457
6 Aug 2009

Rain gaat ook djen? smilie
"http("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TUzaW0-K1k") . "\" target=\"_blank\">Wat deze man ook gedaan heeft.. ik vergeef het hem"

BMW Bastard

avatar Rainman

Registered: 11 Apr 2001
Location: Everywhere
Posts: 5391
7 Aug 2009

    Quote originally posted by fraXTC @ 2009-08-06 18:25:01
    Rain gaat ook djen? smilie

Yep smilie Op ons feest gaan we helemaal los smilie
The only reason that you're conscious right now is because I don't want to carry you. - Jack Bauer
"http($this->addslashes("")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
3D Bastard

avatar Caman

Registered: 11 Apr 2001
Location: up yours
Posts: 4721
7 Aug 2009

oh god...
Take my hand and lead me to myself...
"http($this->addslashes("http://www.caman.nl/zooi/sig.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
BMW Bastard

avatar Rainman

Registered: 11 Apr 2001
Location: Everywhere
Posts: 5391
7 Aug 2009

    Quote originally posted by Caman @ 2009-08-07 16:26:50
    oh god...

Die is ook een "http("http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/God_Is_a_DJ") . "\" target=\"_blank\">DJ" smilie
The only reason that you're conscious right now is because I don't want to carry you. - Jack Bauer
"http($this->addslashes("")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
Bad-hairday Bastard

avatar fraXTC

Registered: 28 Jun 2001
Location: Under_your_skin
Posts: 2457
7 Aug 2009

    Quote originally posted by Rainman @ 2009-08-07 13:00:55
    Yep smilie Op ons feest gaan we helemaal los smilie

Ik heb nog wel wat breakcore liggen hier :P ...Aphex Twin & Venatian Snares anyone? :P
"http("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TUzaW0-K1k") . "\" target=\"_blank\">Wat deze man ook gedaan heeft.. ik vergeef het hem"

The Guzzler

avatar Fox

Registered: 10 Apr 2001
Location: North-Brabant
Posts: 9402
23 Aug 2009

Daar is ie dan:

"http($this->addslashes("http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/124559/gerbenmotor.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"

This post was edited by Fox at 23 Aug 2009

Refuse to do what you don't want to do.
"http("http://www.bastarddomain.com/dev/ico/quote.php") . "\" target=\"_blank\">"http($this->addslashes("http://www.bastarddomain.com/dev/ico/signature.php?show")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />""
Bad-hairday Bastard

avatar fraXTC

Registered: 28 Jun 2001
Location: Under_your_skin
Posts: 2457
23 Aug 2009

dude, pic is dood, fix effe smilie ben namelijk nieuwsgierig naar je motor
"http("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TUzaW0-K1k") . "\" target=\"_blank\">Wat deze man ook gedaan heeft.. ik vergeef het hem"

The Guzzler

avatar Fox

Registered: 10 Apr 2001
Location: North-Brabant
Posts: 9402
25 Aug 2009

Toch maar wat extra gigabytes erbij in mijn MacBook:
"http($this->addslashes("http://images.crucial.com/images/resources/medium/package/204-pinSODIMMDDR3kit_2.gif")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"

Refuse to do what you don't want to do.
"http("http://www.bastarddomain.com/dev/ico/quote.php") . "\" target=\"_blank\">"http($this->addslashes("http://www.bastarddomain.com/dev/ico/signature.php?show")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />""
BMW Bastard

avatar Rainman

Registered: 11 Apr 2001
Location: Everywhere
Posts: 5391
26 Aug 2009

2 x Western Digital WD10EADS Caviar Green 1TB voor in de NAS:

"http($this->addslashes("http://www.redcoon.nl/res/shop/cataloge/product_450/B166660.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"

Gastroback 41127 Design ijscrusher:

"http($this->addslashes("http://www.redcoon.nl/res/shop/cataloge/product_200/B123359.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
The only reason that you're conscious right now is because I don't want to carry you. - Jack Bauer
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3D Bastard

avatar Caman

Registered: 11 Apr 2001
Location: up yours
Posts: 4721
27 Aug 2009

Ice crusher!!! smilie
Take my hand and lead me to myself...
"http($this->addslashes("http://www.caman.nl/zooi/sig.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
BMW Bastard

avatar Rainman

Registered: 11 Apr 2001
Location: Everywhere
Posts: 5391
27 Aug 2009

Besteld: Sony MDR-7506 Headphones

"http($this->addslashes("http://www.redcoon.nl/res/shop/cataloge/product_450/B191970.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
The only reason that you're conscious right now is because I don't want to carry you. - Jack Bauer
"http($this->addslashes("")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
Gorgeous George
Opmerk Bastard

Registered: 13 Jul 2001
Location: BehindMy21
Posts: 4748
31 Aug 2009

besteld, de boxen voor onze soort van drive in:

"http($this->addslashes("http://www.bax-shop.nl/components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/product/6380938a141b74e48f3af6c59c7edb8e.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
Gorgeous George
Opmerk Bastard

Registered: 13 Jul 2001
Location: BehindMy21
Posts: 4748
31 Aug 2009


url: http://www.lightshirt.nl/index.php?module=producten&;action=show&id=23&cpath=12&cat=12

"http($this->addslashes("http://www.lightshirt.nl/uploads/Master-Volume-3D-Shirt.gif")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
BMW Bastard

avatar Rainman

Registered: 11 Apr 2001
Location: Everywhere
Posts: 5391
31 Aug 2009

    Quote originally posted by Gorgeous George @ 2009-08-31 19:44:02
    besteld, de boxen voor onze soort van drive in:

    "http($this->addslashes("http://www.bax-shop.nl/components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/product/6380938a141b74e48f3af6c59c7edb8e.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"

Yeah baby! yeah!
The only reason that you're conscious right now is because I don't want to carry you. - Jack Bauer
"http($this->addslashes("")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
Gorgeous George
Opmerk Bastard

Registered: 13 Jul 2001
Location: BehindMy21
Posts: 4748
12 Aug 2011

is dat al weer zo lang geleden :S
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