fact: "Sorry, bastards first."
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New toys
Human Superior

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Registered: 28 Oct 2004
Location: Behind my pc
Posts: 28
7 Feb 2005

Ik heb de volgende nieuwe toys:

-Nokia 6230
-Spellen: NFSU 2, GTA 3 + Vice City, Splinter Cell, Topspin
"http($this->addslashes("http://www.f1-talk.net/sig.gif")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
The Guzzler

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Registered: 10 Apr 2001
Location: North-Brabant
Posts: 9402
7 Feb 2005

Je kunt wel weer zien waar het geld zit.
Refuse to do what you don't want to do.
"http("http://www.bastarddomain.com/dev/ico/quote.php") . "\" target=\"_blank\">"http($this->addslashes("http://www.bastarddomain.com/dev/ico/signature.php?show")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />""
lil big bastard

avatar sealy

Registered: 20 Feb 2002
Location: @huis
Posts: 4847
15 Feb 2005

"http($this->addslashes("http://www.divxplayer.nl/Images/DP-1000.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"


"http($this->addslashes("http://members.home.nl/sealy/Signature.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
The Guzzler

avatar Fox

Registered: 10 Apr 2001
Location: North-Brabant
Posts: 9402
15 Feb 2005

Very NICE!!!!

Maar waarom niet de 1500??

Refuse to do what you don't want to do.
"http("http://www.bastarddomain.com/dev/ico/quote.php") . "\" target=\"_blank\">"http($this->addslashes("http://www.bastarddomain.com/dev/ico/signature.php?show")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />""
lil big bastard

avatar sealy

Registered: 20 Feb 2002
Location: @huis
Posts: 4847
15 Feb 2005

cheap bastard smilie
"http($this->addslashes("http://members.home.nl/sealy/Signature.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
WTF is a Bastard

Registered: 7 Jul 2001
Location: Home SWEET homE
Posts: 1264
16 Feb 2005

lol smilie
I want you to do as I say, not do as I do.

"http($this->addslashes("")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
Papa Bastard

avatar Darkman

Registered: 29 Jun 2001
Location: Somewhere else
Posts: 1640
17 Feb 2005

Woei, een nieuw video kaartje:

XFX GeForce 6800LE

"http($this->addslashes("http://home.planet.nl/~roest210/6800LE_5small.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"

met een nv5 Silencer van artic cooling
"http($this->addslashes("http://home.planet.nl/~roest210/NV.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"

Krijg er de garantie bij dattie alle 16 pipelines en 5 van de 6 vertex shaders kan unlocken zonder artefects. Hij loopt standaard op 8 pipelines en 4 vertexshaders, dus dat levert, samen met wat overklokken, wel de nodige prestatie winst smilie (zeker vergeleken met mijn oude FX 5600)

This post was edited by Darkman at 17 Feb 2005

"http("http://www.eaves.nl") . "\" target=\"_blank\">The Eaves"

If dysfunction is a function, then I must be some kind of Genius J.S. Claydon-Pitchshifter
BMW Bastard

avatar Rainman

Registered: 11 Apr 2001
Location: Everywhere
Posts: 5391
17 Feb 2005

Vewy nice. Van wie krijg je die garantie?
The only reason that you're conscious right now is because I don't want to carry you. - Jack Bauer
"http($this->addslashes("")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
Trend setting Bastard

avatar sijpt

Registered: 12 Jan 2005
Location: Eindhoven
Posts: 160
17 Feb 2005

Wow, da's een mooi stukkie speelgoed!
"It is an ancient mariner
And he stoppeth one of three"
Papa Bastard

avatar Darkman

Registered: 29 Jun 2001
Location: Somewhere else
Posts: 1640
17 Feb 2005

    Quote originally posted by Rainman @ 2005-02-17 11:15:43
    Vewy nice. Van wie krijg je die garantie?

van de vorige eigenaar, die ging upgraden naar een pci-e systeempje, dus paste er niet meer in... is nog maar 2 maanden oud.
"http("http://www.eaves.nl") . "\" target=\"_blank\">The Eaves"

If dysfunction is a function, then I must be some kind of Genius J.S. Claydon-Pitchshifter
WTF is a Bastard

Registered: 7 Jul 2001
Location: Home SWEET homE
Posts: 1264
17 Feb 2005

nice... al ben ik geen loodgieter..

This post was edited by Wuppie at 17 Feb 2005

I want you to do as I say, not do as I do.

"http($this->addslashes("")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
Kroquet Bastard

avatar bLAM

Registered: 27 Aug 2001
Location: anywhere
Posts: 1669
17 Feb 2005

new camera:
"http($this->addslashes("http://ww2.canon.no/WPP/pressebilder/foto/IXUS-430-FRont-slant.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what's right - Isaac Asimov"
Kroquet Bastard

avatar bLAM

Registered: 27 Aug 2001
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Posts: 1669
17 Feb 2005

schaal 5 op 1 smilie
"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what's right - Isaac Asimov"
Trend setting Bastard

avatar sijpt

Registered: 12 Jan 2005
Location: Eindhoven
Posts: 160
17 Feb 2005

"Ik een camera met veel megapixels, iedereen veel megapixels!"
"It is an ancient mariner
And he stoppeth one of three"
The Guzzler

avatar Fox

Registered: 10 Apr 2001
Location: North-Brabant
Posts: 9402
18 Feb 2005

It's all about them pixels
Refuse to do what you don't want to do.
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Papa Bastard

avatar Darkman

Registered: 29 Jun 2001
Location: Somewhere else
Posts: 1640
18 Feb 2005

ow..... I thought it was all about the Mega
"http("http://www.eaves.nl") . "\" target=\"_blank\">The Eaves"

If dysfunction is a function, then I must be some kind of Genius J.S. Claydon-Pitchshifter
BMW Bastard

avatar Rainman

Registered: 11 Apr 2001
Location: Everywhere
Posts: 5391
18 Feb 2005

Size does matter...
The only reason that you're conscious right now is because I don't want to carry you. - Jack Bauer
"http($this->addslashes("")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
Kroquet Bastard

avatar bLAM

Registered: 27 Aug 2001
Location: anywhere
Posts: 1669
18 Feb 2005

twas meer dat het meisje mijn camera mee heeft genomen, en ik eigelijk toch al aan een nieuwe toe was.
"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what's right - Isaac Asimov"
Flying Bastard

avatar rens

Registered: 18 Oct 2002
Location: Behind-U
Posts: 1257
18 Feb 2005

    Quote originally posted by Darkman @ 2005-02-17 10:53:13
    Woei, een nieuw video kaartje:

    XFX GeForce 6800LE

    "http($this->addslashes("http://home.planet.nl/~roest210/6800LE_5small.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"

    met een nv5 Silencer van artic cooling
    "http($this->addslashes("http://home.planet.nl/~roest210/NV.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"

    Krijg er de garantie bij dattie alle 16 pipelines en 5 van de 6 vertex shaders kan unlocken zonder artefects. Hij loopt standaard op 8 pipelines en 4 vertexshaders, dus dat levert, samen met wat overklokken, wel de nodige prestatie winst smilie (zeker vergeleken met mijn oude FX 5600)

Hey ik heb het zelfde model, alleen dan van AOpen. Ook met 16 pipelines en vertex shaders unlocked. Werkt best wel goed. Kan al mijn games perfect draaien.

Goede aankoop man. smilie
You want some, come get some!!!!!
African Bastard

avatar Gogga

Registered: 18 Oct 2002
Location: Sunny South Africa
Posts: 376
21 Feb 2005

Vette gpu cooler. Maar dat is een mooie videokaart.. Nog niets aan mijn PC geupgrade sinds HCC '03.. Misschien ook een videokaart upgrade een of ander tijd..
- You can't kill what you cannot catch -
Bad-hairday Bastard

avatar fraXTC

Registered: 28 Jun 2001
Location: Under_your_skin
Posts: 2457
21 Feb 2005

Het aantal toys van mij valt errug mee op het moment, voorlopig heb ik hier genoeg aan smilie, maar wel vette sjit heren bastards!
"http("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TUzaW0-K1k") . "\" target=\"_blank\">Wat deze man ook gedaan heeft.. ik vergeef het hem"

The Guzzler

avatar Fox

Registered: 10 Apr 2001
Location: North-Brabant
Posts: 9402
21 Feb 2005

Toen mijn monitor laatst kapot ging zag ik tussen de bonnetjes dat ik al meet dan drie jaar hetzelfde spul heb.
Refuse to do what you don't want to do.
"http("http://www.bastarddomain.com/dev/ico/quote.php") . "\" target=\"_blank\">"http($this->addslashes("http://www.bastarddomain.com/dev/ico/signature.php?show")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />""
Gorgeous George
Opmerk Bastard

Registered: 13 Jul 2001
Location: BehindMy21
Posts: 4748
23 Feb 2005

overgenomen van mijn pa

amd 64 3200+
msi k8t neo
2x 256 MB pc2700 ram

This post was edited by Gorgeous George at 23 Feb 2005

BMW Bastard

avatar Rainman

Registered: 11 Apr 2001
Location: Everywhere
Posts: 5391
23 Feb 2005

    Quote originally posted by Gorgeous George @ 2005-02-23 09:55:39
    overgenomen van mijn pa

    amd 64 3200+
    msi k8t neo
    2x 256 MB pc2700 ram

Had jouw pa gewoon een betere pc dan die van jouw? Framerate in cs:source is zeker wel omhoog gegaan?

Ik ben denk toe aan een nieuwe voeding (of mobo smilie ) want mijn pc springt gewoon uit bij hoge cpu belasting... smilie

This post was edited by Rainman at 23 Feb 2005

The only reason that you're conscious right now is because I don't want to carry you. - Jack Bauer
"http($this->addslashes("")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
Gorgeous George
Opmerk Bastard

Registered: 13 Jul 2001
Location: BehindMy21
Posts: 4748
23 Feb 2005

ja dat had ie ja.. "om te testen met 64 bit"

framerate is zeker omhoog gegaan en speel nu op 1024*768
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