fact: "Bat is the best"
BastardDomain Forums \ Fun \ vreeemde naam voor je kind...
vreeemde naam voor je kind...
Mr. Vintage
Hates breaks

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Registered: 10 Sep 2002
Location: Kickin' your ass!!
Posts: 843
24 Sep 2002

tijdens een onzinnige omzwerving kwam ik op een site voor "male names" deze "doodgewone" naam tegen....

-=TREKBEER=- old native indian male name
As Trekbeer, you have a natural interest in the welfare of your fellow man, and a desire to help and serve others in a humanitarian way. You are responsible and generous, although somewhat scattering and disorganized at times. Any jobs requiring systematic and conscientious effort, or involving any form of drudgery, dismay you. In your work, you would seek a position offering self-expression through contact with people, such as sales or teaching, or a position giving scope to your creative, artistic talents. You are good-natured and likeable, and people tend to confide in you and seek your advice in personal problems. Others sense your sincere interest and desire to help, and you can always be counted on to see the bright side of any problem. You enjoy making others happy and you never let your own problems "get you down" for any length of time, even though you do tend to worry too much at times. Your optimism can be a source of inspiration to others as well as yourself. In close personal relationships you are usually thoughtful and considerate. However, your natural interest in others, coupled with your sympathetic reaction to problems, could draw you into emotional situations which may be difficult to get out of. Health weakness would appear as skin conditions or ailments relative to the liver. A tendency to overeat quick-energy foods aggravates any health problems.

"http($this->addslashes("http://members.home.nl/pverkooyen/telecaster3.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
What the hell did you do that for?
Bad-hairday Bastard

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Registered: 28 Jun 2001
Location: Under_your_skin
Posts: 2457
24 Sep 2002

Trekbeer smilie die gast moet gewoon werken bij "starship Trekboer" smilie
"http("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TUzaW0-K1k") . "\" target=\"_blank\">Wat deze man ook gedaan heeft.. ik vergeef het hem"

3D Bastard

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Registered: 11 Apr 2001
Location: up yours
Posts: 4721
25 Sep 2002

en direct ook rukhaas hehe
Take my hand and lead me to myself...
"http($this->addslashes("http://www.caman.nl/zooi/sig.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
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