fact: "expect the expected to be non-respected by a bastard"
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laat online je hand lezen
Gorgeous George
Opmerk Bastard

Registered: 13 Jul 2001
Location: BehindMy21
Posts: 4748
21 Apr 2004


mijn uitslag:

Your Life Line reveals that once you leave home, you do not return. You will tend to move a lot in your life.

Your Head Line reveals that you lack confidence, but have a sense of grievance. You carry a chip on your shoulder, but will vent this emotion through participating in political activities.

Your Heart Line reveals that you have a masculine nature and are easily aroused by your own desires. You are able to maintain a good balance between the physical and emotional sides that accounts for your warm and generous disposition.

Your Fate Line reveals that your destiny is variable, uncertain and largely determined by other people. If you let go and allow destiny to take its course, you should have a successful artistic or literary career. The most influencial people in your life will be agents, managers and producers.

You have a Water hand. You are a person who is quiet, reserved, dreamy, insecure and intuitive. Your optimal career choices are to work as a nurse, psychiatrist, chiropractor and psychic.
WTF is a Bastard

Registered: 7 Jul 2001
Location: Home SWEET homE
Posts: 1264
2 May 2004

Klopt niet helemaal maar toch wel grappig..

Your Life Line reveals that you like to travel, but will always return home. You need a lot of space which is why you prefer spending time outdoors. You tend to have strong romantic tendencies.

Your Head Line reveals that you lack confidence, but have a sense of grievance. You carry a chip on your shoulder, but will vent this emotion through participating in political activities.

Your Heart Line reveals that you have a masculine nature and are easily aroused by your own desires. You are able to maintain a good balance between the physical and emotional sides that accounts for your warm and generous disposition.

Your Fate Line reveals that you felt a lack on independance in the early part of your life and are less certain about your career plans. Your career start is more restricted and not utilizing your full potential. Throughout your life, you will maintain a strong connection to your family.

You have an Air hand. You are a person who is independent, intellectual, analytical and unpredictable. Your optimal career choices are to work as a writer, psychiatrist, scientist, detective and teacher.

I want you to do as I say, not do as I do.

"http($this->addslashes("")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
The Guzzler

avatar Fox

Registered: 10 Apr 2001
Location: North-Brabant
Posts: 9401
2 May 2004

Het beschrijft in ieder geval degene die ik probeer te zijn.

Your Life Line reveals that once you leave home, you do not return. You will tend to move a lot in your life.

Your Head Line reveals that you are self confident, optimistic and capable of making your own decisions. You are not afraid to speak your mind.

Your Heart Line reveals that you have a masculine nature and are easily aroused by your own desires. You are able to maintain a good balance between the physical and emotional sides that accounts for your warm and generous disposition.

Your Fate Line reveals that you will have an early and independent start to your career, and will be successful in your life's work.

You have an Air hand. You are a person who is independent, intellectual, analytical and unpredictable. Your optimal career choices are to work as a writer, psychiatrist, scientist, detective and teacher.

Refuse to do what you don't want to do.
"http("http://www.bastarddomain.com/dev/ico/quote.php") . "\" target=\"_blank\">"http($this->addslashes("http://www.bastarddomain.com/dev/ico/signature.php?show")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />""
Kroquet Bastard

avatar bLAM

Registered: 27 Aug 2001
Location: anywhere
Posts: 1669
3 May 2004

ik heb deze test een tijdje geleden ook gedaan. darkman's uitslag (had hem dus ook gedaan) klopte evenveel voor mij als mijn eigen uitslag. het is gewoon een soort horoscoop; er zit altijd wel een kern van waarheid in. "vandaag zal een hongerig gevoel anleiding geven tot het nuttigen van een maaltijd of tussendoortje" smilie
"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what's right - Isaac Asimov"
Da Prince
Royal Bastard

avatar Da Prince

Registered: 3 Jul 2001
Location: At a bar.....I guess...strange..
Posts: 995
3 May 2004

Your Life Line reveals that you like to travel, but will always return home. You need a lot of space which is why you prefer spending time outdoors. You tend to have strong romantic tendencies.

Your Head Line reveals that you lack confidence, but have a sense of grievance. You carry a chip on your shoulder, but will vent this emotion through participating in political activities.

Your Heart Line reveals that you have a masculine nature and are easily aroused by your own desires. You are able to maintain a good balance between the physical and emotional sides that accounts for your warm and generous disposition.

Your Fate Line reveals that your destiny is variable, uncertain and largely determined by other people. If you let go and allow destiny to take its course, you should have a successful artistic or literary career. The most influencial people in your life will be agents, managers and producers.

You have a Fire hand. You are a person who is restless, outgoing, ambitious, confident and at times promiscuous. Your optimal career choices are to work as a lawyer, politician, entertainer, and an athlete in non-contact sports.

"http($this->addslashes("http://members.lycos.nl/djstennis/divpics/jochem%20banner.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
You know, you can touch a stick of dynamite, but if you touch a venomous bastard it'll turn around and bite you and kill you so fast it's not even funny.
-Steve Irwin-

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