fact: "Never doubt that a small group of bastards can change the world... Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
BastardDomain Forums \ General Chat \ Het grote off-topik topick deel III
Het grote off-topik topick deel III
WTF is a Bastard

Registered: 7 Jul 2001
Location: Home SWEET homE
Posts: 1264
31 Mar 2005

hehe.. tandarts to the rescue!
I want you to do as I say, not do as I do.

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The Guzzler

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Registered: 10 Apr 2001
Location: North-Brabant
Posts: 9402
31 Mar 2005

    Quote originally posted by Caman @ 2005-03-31 12:40:19
    stuk van mijn kies afgebeten vanochtend, best raar gevoel

Wie schiet er dan ook in zijn mond.

Refuse to do what you don't want to do.
"http("http://www.bastarddomain.com/dev/ico/quote.php") . "\" target=\"_blank\">"http($this->addslashes("http://www.bastarddomain.com/dev/ico/signature.php?show")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />""
Gorgeous George
Opmerk Bastard

Registered: 13 Jul 2001
Location: BehindMy21
Posts: 4748
1 Apr 2005

weak human
WTF is a Bastard

Registered: 7 Jul 2001
Location: Home SWEET homE
Posts: 1264
1 Apr 2005

vandaag mijn laatste experiment gedaan (als de resultaten niet te erg tegenvallen smilie)
I want you to do as I say, not do as I do.

"http($this->addslashes("")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
Kroquet Bastard

avatar bLAM

Registered: 27 Aug 2001
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Posts: 1669
1 Apr 2005

weekend ... finally
"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what's right - Isaac Asimov"
The Guzzler

avatar Fox

Registered: 10 Apr 2001
Location: North-Brabant
Posts: 9402
3 Apr 2005

Wuppie heeft verloren
Refuse to do what you don't want to do.
"http("http://www.bastarddomain.com/dev/ico/quote.php") . "\" target=\"_blank\">"http($this->addslashes("http://www.bastarddomain.com/dev/ico/signature.php?show")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />""
Kroquet Bastard

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Registered: 27 Aug 2001
Location: anywhere
Posts: 1669
3 Apr 2005

'heeft' of 'is'??
"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what's right - Isaac Asimov"
lil big bastard

avatar sealy

Registered: 20 Feb 2002
Location: @huis
Posts: 4847
3 Apr 2005

welke moron belt mij 's ochtends om kwart over 10 wakker, om daarna met een vage stem te zeggen dat ie van de mafia is :S
"http($this->addslashes("http://members.home.nl/sealy/Signature.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
BMW Bastard

avatar Rainman

Registered: 11 Apr 2001
Location: Everywhere
Posts: 5391
3 Apr 2005

    Quote originally posted by Fox @ 2005-04-03 09:37:08
    Wuppie heeft verloren

Met Total Annihilation?
The only reason that you're conscious right now is because I don't want to carry you. - Jack Bauer
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BMW Bastard

avatar Rainman

Registered: 11 Apr 2001
Location: Everywhere
Posts: 5391
3 Apr 2005

    Quote originally posted by sealy @ 2005-04-03 10:58:34
    welke moron belt mij 's ochtends om kwart over 10 wakker, om daarna met een vage stem te zeggen dat ie van de mafia is :S

Ehm misschien iemand van de maffia wiens krant je niet bezorgd hebt?
The only reason that you're conscious right now is because I don't want to carry you. - Jack Bauer
"http($this->addslashes("")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
The Guzzler

avatar Fox

Registered: 10 Apr 2001
Location: North-Brabant
Posts: 9402
3 Apr 2005

Ja, potje duurd evan 3:30 tot 9:30.

Refuse to do what you don't want to do.
"http("http://www.bastarddomain.com/dev/ico/quote.php") . "\" target=\"_blank\">"http($this->addslashes("http://www.bastarddomain.com/dev/ico/signature.php?show")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />""
BMW Bastard

avatar Rainman

Registered: 11 Apr 2001
Location: Everywhere
Posts: 5391
3 Apr 2005

das sick
The only reason that you're conscious right now is because I don't want to carry you. - Jack Bauer
"http($this->addslashes("")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
The Guzzler

avatar Fox

Registered: 10 Apr 2001
Location: North-Brabant
Posts: 9402
3 Apr 2005

Bijna 3000 kills de man, weapons you can't even dream about.

This post was edited by Fox at 3 Apr 2005

Refuse to do what you don't want to do.
"http("http://www.bastarddomain.com/dev/ico/quote.php") . "\" target=\"_blank\">"http($this->addslashes("http://www.bastarddomain.com/dev/ico/signature.php?show")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />""
Trend setting Bastard

avatar sijpt

Registered: 12 Jan 2005
Location: Eindhoven
Posts: 160
3 Apr 2005

    Quote originally posted by Rainman @ 2005-04-03 11:23:14

    Ehm misschien iemand van de maffia wiens krant je niet bezorgd hebt?

Op zondag?
"It is an ancient mariner
And he stoppeth one of three"
lil big bastard

avatar sealy

Registered: 20 Feb 2002
Location: @huis
Posts: 4847
3 Apr 2005

    Quote originally posted by sijpt @ 2005-04-03 17:39:16

    Op zondag?

ja idd...

ik dacht meer aan mijn irritante broertje, maar die ontkent met klem
"http($this->addslashes("http://members.home.nl/sealy/Signature.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
Flying Bastard

avatar rens

Registered: 18 Oct 2002
Location: Behind-U
Posts: 1257
3 Apr 2005

Oh oh oh, wat een lekker weer was het weer vandaag.
You want some, come get some!!!!!
BMW Bastard

avatar Rainman

Registered: 11 Apr 2001
Location: Everywhere
Posts: 5391
3 Apr 2005

Zeker wel!
The only reason that you're conscious right now is because I don't want to carry you. - Jack Bauer
"http($this->addslashes("")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
3D Bastard

avatar Caman

Registered: 11 Apr 2001
Location: up yours
Posts: 4721
3 Apr 2005

lekker weer om vet veel huiswerk te maken jah smilie
Take my hand and lead me to myself...
"http($this->addslashes("http://www.caman.nl/zooi/sig.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
WTF is a Bastard

Registered: 7 Jul 2001
Location: Home SWEET homE
Posts: 1264
3 Apr 2005

tja .. die klote nukes deden het hem.. bastard had er paar honderd..
I want you to do as I say, not do as I do.

"http($this->addslashes("")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
The Guzzler

avatar Fox

Registered: 10 Apr 2001
Location: North-Brabant
Posts: 9402
4 Apr 2005

Donderdag ga ik voor een kamer kijken ...
Refuse to do what you don't want to do.
"http("http://www.bastarddomain.com/dev/ico/quote.php") . "\" target=\"_blank\">"http($this->addslashes("http://www.bastarddomain.com/dev/ico/signature.php?show")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />""
lil big bastard

avatar sealy

Registered: 20 Feb 2002
Location: @huis
Posts: 4847
4 Apr 2005

"http($this->addslashes("http://members.home.nl/sealy/Signature.jpg")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />"
The Guzzler

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Registered: 10 Apr 2001
Location: North-Brabant
Posts: 9402
4 Apr 2005

Vlak bij school
Refuse to do what you don't want to do.
"http("http://www.bastarddomain.com/dev/ico/quote.php") . "\" target=\"_blank\">"http($this->addslashes("http://www.bastarddomain.com/dev/ico/signature.php?show")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />""
Papa Bastard

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Registered: 29 Jun 2001
Location: Somewhere else
Posts: 1640
5 Apr 2005

Jan zijn oude kamer?? Die woont nu samen met z'n vriendin in een appartementje. Je moet dan alleen wel lid worden van de Demos om daarvoor in aanmerking te komen...
"http("http://www.eaves.nl") . "\" target=\"_blank\">The Eaves"

If dysfunction is a function, then I must be some kind of Genius J.S. Claydon-Pitchshifter
The Guzzler

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Registered: 10 Apr 2001
Location: North-Brabant
Posts: 9402
5 Apr 2005

Nee, het gaat om een andere kamer.
EN lid worden van Demos...., NOOIT
Refuse to do what you don't want to do.
"http("http://www.bastarddomain.com/dev/ico/quote.php") . "\" target=\"_blank\">"http($this->addslashes("http://www.bastarddomain.com/dev/ico/signature.php?show")) . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"[user image]\" />""
Kroquet Bastard

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Registered: 27 Aug 2001
Location: anywhere
Posts: 1669
5 Apr 2005

maar waar dan wel?
"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what's right - Isaac Asimov"
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